Sharon Millar is an award-winning Trinidadian short story writer whose debut, The Whale House, explores grief and decay in the human and natural world, and challenges us to question how different humans are from the animals they hunt.
Millar takes part in Future Planet, at which writers and experts explore our current age of living, and what may be around the corner.
What does the future hold for planet earth? With climate change looming, and human beings having an unprecedented impact on the natural world, will earth be radically different for future generations? And can we pioneer a path to a more sustainable future?
Also featured:
Gaia Vince is an award-winning journalist, broadcaster and author of Adventures in the Anthropocene: A Journey to the Heart of the Planet We Made, which explores the epoch in which human activities have begun to have a profound impact on Earth's ecosystems.
Khairani Barokka is a writer, poet, and artist who was recognised in 2014 by the United Nations Population Fund as one of Indonesia's 'Inspirational Young Leaders Driving Social Change'. She is the author of Indigenous Species, a contemporary feminist take on a Heart of Darkness-esque tale.
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