What truths are your poems telling? I don’t mean the facts of figures and dates, though those have their own importance. I mean: if not for the reality of your poems, what truths would never be spoken at all?
In “Poetry as Ferocity”, we’ll chart a course for radical honesty in verse, seeking to answer the questions, “What subterranean secrets lie buried in your own creative life? How can you excise the marrow of the poem, and grow stronger roots for your poems to anchor themselves?”
Join this poetry workshop led by Shivanee Ramlochan at Persephone Books in Bath on November 1st. Tickets are available on Evenbrite for £10, students £5.
Note: To make this workshop accessible for low-waged writers, we are offering 5 tickets at a pay-what-you-can rate. To apply, please email Renaissance One at hq@renaissanceone.co.uk by 30 October with a short description of your circumstances and why you would benefit from attending the workshop, along with a contact email and telephone/mobile number.