Nottingham Black Archive (NBA), Professor Sharon Monteith of Nottingham Trent University, Renaissance One and BCA present
We Will Remember Them: Raising public awareness of Commonwealth Troops in WWI: An evening of Spoken Word, Archives, Visual Art and Photography
This exhibition and spoken word event commemorates forgotten commonwealth troops and brings to the fore the hidden histories of soldiers from Africa, the Caribbean and South Asia, as part of an exhibition that is touring to venues and communities in Nottingham, Leicester, Derby and London.
2018 marks the centenary of WWI, and it is important to remember that Empire troops fought in the most infamous battles of the war, including Ypres and Passchendaele.
Join us to celebrate at this public event which features original artwork from Barbara Walker and Keith Piper, presentations, unique photographs and talks from Professor Kurt Barling, Panya Banjoko the co-founder of Nottingham Black Archive, a newly commissioned poem and performance by Michael Brome, and calypso and song by Tobago Crusoe (Paddington) and Melanie Abrahams.
The image of the British West Indian Regiment in Egypt WWI is courtesy of the Imperial War Museum.
View the full tour dates at
We Will Remember Them is supported by funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Centre for Hidden Histories, as well as many partners including the host venues, community groups and individuals.