Filtering by: Poetry

John Agard at Literary Leicester 2025
1:00 PM13:00

John Agard at Literary Leicester 2025

  • Attenborough Arts Centre, University of Leicester (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The acclaimed Guyanese poet John Agard will be returning to the Literary Leicester festival, for a special lunchtime event of poetry, conversation and liming to showcase the Caribbean culture that has helped to transform Britain. The festival runs annually, featuring lectures, talks and readings, completely free, running from the 19th - 22nd March 2025.

The event will be hosted by Melanie Abrahams.

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WRITING YOUR FIRE! - Poetry workshop with Shivanee Ramlochan
11:00 AM11:00

WRITING YOUR FIRE! - Poetry workshop with Shivanee Ramlochan

  • Arundel Buildings, Webb Street (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This intimate INSCRIBE workshop is a rare opportunity to work with one of Trinidad & Tobago's premier poets - in this QTIPOC-friendly poetry workshop - you will find a safe space, to traverse the underside, the fiery depths of your imagination and lived experience, and explore WRITING YOUR FIRE!


Shivanee Ramlochan's poetry has been published in tongues of the ocean, The Caribbean Review of Books, and Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism. Ramlochan is a Trinidadian writer, arts reporter and book blogger. Her first collection of poems, Everyone Knows I Am a Haunting [Peepal Tree Press' 2017] was shortlisted for the Forward Prizes (2018, Felix Dennis Prize for Best First Collection). The book was also a finalist selection for the 2018 People's Choice T&T Book of the Year. Her poems reference the language and structural patterns of the genres of fantasy or speculative fiction, though with her own distinctive features, including the presence of such folkloric Trinidadian figures as the Duenne, those wandering lost spirits whose feet point backwards. She is an alumna of the 2010 Cropper Foundation Residential Workshop for Caribbean Writers. In 2013, she was selected as one of three New Talent Showcase writers at the NGC Bocas Lit Fest. Ramlochan is the deputy editor of The Caribbean Review of Books, the Book Review Editor for Caribbean Beat Magazine and is part of the team that runs the NGC Bocas Lit Fest, the Anglophone Caribbean's largest literary festival. She also writes about books at her personal blog, Novel Niche with a special emphasis on close readings of Caribbean and queer literatures. Her UK appearance is part of a book tour produced by Renaissance One @novelniche

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